Lead Me On Podcast
Stuck in the middle is one way to describe GenX – The Forgotten Generation. Between the Boomers and the Millenials, you will find a group of workers that are flexible, dependable, loyal, and hardworking.
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear two GenX’ers highlight why this generation shines and should be leaned on to move your organization forward.
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
Have you ever heard of a Peace Partner? Join us as we hear from Hilary Bendon about how a Peace Partner can be a release valve for the pressure building up for employees and leaders that are experiencing conflict in the workplace and how this can be an integral part of retaining employees.
To contact Hilary Brendon:
eMail: [email protected]
Website: www.hxbllc.com
Phone Number: 626-202-1633
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
We have talked a lot about the keys to Emotional Intelligence on this podcast, but have you ever thought about your Marital Emotional Intelligence? Having marriage EQ skills will boost your relationships in the workplace as well as in your marriage. Today, we will hear from Susan and Mike Dawson about building Emotional Intelligence within the marriage bonds.
To contact Susan and Mike Dawson: www.mikeandsusandawson.com
Take the Marriage Emotional Intelligence Quiz: www.mikeandsusandawson.com/MIQ
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
Have you ever heard of the three essential pillars for leadership? Are you familiar with the phrase “praise publicly, criticize privately”? We are going to challenge this decades-old practice and learn how to course-correct more effectively. Learn three essential pillars for leadership success as Candace Gottlieb-Clark shares some common truths that emerged as she worked with leaders.
To connect with Candace Gottlieb-Clark visit
Author Website: https://candicegottliebclark.com/
Business Website: https://dynamicteamsolutions.org/
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
Born after World War II through 1964, baby boomers have long been known for their strong work ethic and goal-centric tendencies and, until recently, were the largest generation. This generation was shaped by conflict: the Korean War, Vietnam, the civil rights movement, and extraordinary advancements: man on the moon!
Join Lori and Lori as they discuss the treasures this great generation brings to the workplace.
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
Are you recognizing the value of our oldest workers? The traditionalist generation employees are currently 77+ and bring a tremendous amount of loyalty, work ethic, and knowledge to organizations.
Lori and Lori will share important tips for utilizing this asset to the fullest.
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
For the first time in history, we have five generations working side-by-side in the workplace. We have younger leaders managing workers who are significantly older than them and experienced managers trying to figure out how to best motivate people much younger than they are.
Join us today as we discuss the workplace conundrum of working with five distinctly different groups of workers.
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
This topic keeps coming up in our work with clients – if you didn’t catch it the first time, listen in as Lori and Lori talk about Reality Testing – what it is and how to use it!
We get in our own way, a lot! How many times as a leader (or a spouse or parent or friend or…) have you made an incorrect assumption, either far too negative or positive, and it led to disastrous results?
When we don’t step back to look at what is fact and what is our interpretation, we can make [wrong] snap decisions or miss something very important. Listen in as we talk about Reality Testing and how it can make us better leaders.
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
Have you ever worried that someone may find out that you aren’t really as [smart, talented, awesome…] as they think you are? Aashi Arora of iRise Executive Coaching joins us to talk about how knowing and using your Strengths will help you tame your imposter monster.
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/
To connect with Aashi Arora:
Email: [email protected]
website: iriseexecutivecoaching.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/aashiarorairiseexecutivecoaching
LISTEN TO THE PODCASTJoin Lori and Lori as they answer the top five questions they get on the topic of Emotional Intelligence. This is a fun discussion with real-life questions and examples.
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/