Lead Me On Podcast

Discovering Leadership on a Cross Country Journey

What can you learn about leadership in making a cross-country RV trip?  Listen in as Lori King-Taylor interviews Lori Gorrell as she traverses the country to see what ‘lessons’ have been learned along the way.

Key takeaways:

  • Planning is a critical step in any adventure – are you getting it out of your head and taking action?
  • Getting support along the way – even from unexpected sources.
  • Be flexible – chances are Plan A is never going to happen – be flexible and allow Plan B or even Plan C to emerge.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Establish Effective Mentor Relationships

As a leader, you should be constantly developing your skills, expanding your viewpoints, and considering new ways of approaching situations. The best way for you to achieve this is through Mentorship.  Both as a mentee but also as a mentor.

Mentorship is a mutually beneficial relationship wherein both individuals learn from each other while maintaining a friendly, respectful, and supportive relationship.  

Join Lori Gorrell and Lori King-Taylor as they discuss the importance of Establishing Effective Mentor Relationship.

Key Takeaways

  • Find a mentor or be a mentor
  • Make sure the relationship is the right fit
  • Be consistent and committed

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Making Culture Everyone’s Responsibility

A strong culture isn’t just the responsibility of the company leaders and HR – it should be on everyone’s job description! For a healthy, values-driven organization you want every employee to be on board with the values so that hiring, accountability, celebrations, and discipline are consistent.  Don’t forget to make it FUN to have values-centered culture! 

In this episode you will hear about:

  • Communicating clearly so everyone knows and is living a value-centered culture.
  • Making sure you have the ‘right people on the bus’.
  • How to hold everyone accountable to a values-centered culture.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


You Get What You Focus On

Zig Ziglar said, “When you focus on problems, you get more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you have more opportunities.”

As a leader, when you focus on the problem it takes away the energy you have to focus on the solution and can lead to a loss of productivity and wasted time. Not to mention decreased morale in your team.

 In this podcast, we will discuss:

  • Importance of observing when you are stuck in a negative pattern that often leads to a loss of productivity
  • How to disrupt the focus and find the opportunities and solutions
  • Why you must continue to practice this newly developed skill on a continuous basis

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


The Power of Evaluating Your Values

Our values are the best guides we have to see us through our day, our week, our leadership challenges and beyond.

Understanding your values helps you to become clear on what’s important to you so you can direct you precious energy and resources in a meaningful direction. The added benefit is that taking the time to put words to your values actually enhances your self-awareness (EQ!).

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Can You Trust Me?

Team effectiveness and bottom-line results can both be linked to the critical skill of building a culture of Trust. Join Lori and Lori as they talk about why trust is so essential to a team and how to begin building your foundation.

Key takeaways:

  • Psychological safety – what it is and how it is necessary to build Trust
  • How conflict can be a trust builder
  • Ideas for intentionally building trust on your team

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


What Does Food Have to Do with Memory?

As leaders, important information is constantly filling our brains, and our cognitive ability is crucial. But could that doughnut we had in the break room be jeopardizing our ability to function at the top of our game? According to research, YES!

 Join Lori King-Taylor and Lori Gorrell as they discuss how science is proving that the type of food we eat impacts our ability to think and the long-term health of our brain?

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Accountability is a Team Sport

When asked, most would say that they don’t like to hold people accountable. What if it’s one of the single most important things you can do for your team to be successful? Listen in as Lori King Taylor and Lori Gorrell discuss the upside of holding one another accountable in Lead Me On, Accountability is a Team Sport.

Items that will be discussed:

  • Creating a culture where holding one another accountable is a job for everyone, not just the leader.
  • How holding one another accountable is lifting each other up for success.
  • Consistency needs to be a ground-rule.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Are You Willing To Do the Work?

As a leader, you ask for feedback from your boss, your peers, and your team members on how to be better at your role, but when you receive the input are you willing to put in the work it takes, or do you set the information aside. 

In this episode of Lead Me On, we discuss how leaders identify if they are all in and willing to do the work to increase their effectiveness.

Some of the topics that we will be covering are:

  • Identifying when something is amiss in your leadership
  • Gathering data that can help you up to your game
  • How to be all in

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com

To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Employee Engagement

Engaged employees look at the whole of the company and understand their purpose, where, and how they fit in. Organizations with an engaged workforce outperform their competition.

In this episode of Lead Me On, we discuss how leaders can encourage employee engagement in the workplace.

Some of the topics that we will be covering are:
-Getting to know your employees
-Identifying the value of employees
-Acknowledging accomplishments

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com

To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com