Beware the Dragons!

I love to talk with children about what they plan to be when they grow up. The reason: they don’t hold back. To children, there are no obstacles. Why can’t they be a princess or fireman or ballerina or MLB player or President? If they can dream it, they can become it. So what happens…

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Planning for Success

It’s that time when our summer is over and kids are back in school. Time to buckle down and get back into the workflow with a new vibrancy. Do you realize this is also the time of year when you need to be reviewing that Strategic Plan and setting the course for 2018? Your plans,…

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Feeling Stuck? Mind the Gap!

I often have clients who are in a quandary because they can’t figure out why they are unable to take themselves to the next level. They seem to have done really well getting to a certain point, but beyond that they feel stuck. This creates a gap in expectations that can limit your effectiveness and…

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