Beat the Odds: How Advantage Play™ Can Transform Your Leadership

In Las Vegas, where “you can’t beat the house”, there are a few elite players casinos fear. These are the Advantage Players™ (APs). Experts at “unbeatable” games like blackjack – they dominate by combining superior skill, lightning insight, and razor-sharp instinct, winning when the biggest bets are on the table.

An AP and expert blackjack player turned venture capitalist and hedge fund manager who has participated in $1 billion dollars’ worth of deals, Joel Block has adapted these skills, attitudes, and philosophies to business. His cage-rattling keynote speeches and media appearances expose Advantage Play™, the art of knowing what comes next because, for APs, winning is inevitable.

On this episode of Lead Me On,  Joel shares his fascinating journey and how his skills in the gambling world have translated into the business world. Discover how his strategic mindset and situational awareness can help you make better predictions, take calculated risks, and play at the top of your game. Get ready to be inspired to lead with advantage. Tune in now!

To connect with Joel Block:
Facebook: Joel G. Block

Reach out to Lori King-Taylor: