Sleep and the Effects on Your Brain

Want to be an energetic, healthy beast of a professional? Then look to your sleep performance. Sleep is vital to peak performance. I know you have heard more times than you can count how important sleep is. But have you ever really stopped to consider what optimized sleep or lack thereof can actually do to…

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Believe in You

Several years ago, I enjoyed reading the book The Help and one of my favorite quotes was when Abeline would repeatedly say to the young girl in her charge, “You is Kind. You is smart. You is important.”  And then she would have the little girl repeat those words back.  This was Abeline’s way of building confidence…

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For a Higher Purpose

This week, I had the immense pleasure of accompanying my son, and his 7th grade class on a trip to Washington D.C. Studying about our Founding Fathers has reminded me of a true example of grace under fire. It is convenient for us to view their accomplishments from the comfort of knowing how great the…

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The Power of Self-Assessment

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the gift of self-assessment.  Self-assessment is the ability to examine yourself and developing a straight forward and honest understanding of what makes you tick, in other words, to know who you really are.   Through self-assessment, you are able to peel back the layers and become more aware…

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