Lead Me On Podcast

Beautiful Boundaries – a beauty industry insider perspective to servant leadership

Too often we prioritize financial goals that we forget to simply serve. When you shift your mindset to serving your clients from your heart, with an identified challenge and providing a solution-based approach, everything changes. The money comes naturally. 

In this episode, we will talk to Mandy Zehnder, a beauty industry insider, about the value of goal setting with the priority of serving. 

To find Mandy Zehnder:

Instagram: Mandy_Inspired

Website: www.MandyZehnder.com

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/

To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/


Four Steps to Retaining Employees

Employee retention is on a downward slope.  With 2021 being designated “The Great Resignation”, companies are continuing to find it difficult to find and keep good employees. 

Join Lori and Lori as they discuss four key factors to retaining good employees.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/

To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/


You Are In My Lane

We’ve all been there – when someone tries to take over our project, circumvents our authority, or steps in where they are not wanted.

Lori and Lori talk through a whole range of ‘why’ this happens and what to do about it when it happens to you.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/

To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/.


Establishing Ground Rules as a Tool For Effective Leadership Re-play

This week, we will be replaying our podcast on Establishing Ground Rules as a Tool For Effective Leadership that will help you manage conflict within your team. 

If you are a leader who wants to increase your capability to lead with greater impact and influence, this podcast will provide you with applicable and practical solutions for extraordinary leadership.

In this episode of LeadMeOn podcast, Lori King-Taylor and Lori Gorrell are sharing real-life examples of creating ground rules and discussing the benefits of leading teams. We would recommend you to listen to our previous episode on Promoting a healthy conflict under your leadership to get the full picture of this topic.

Some of the topics that we will be covering are:

·        Ground rules for communication

·        Establishing expectations

·        Being accountable – holding others accountable – to following the rules

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com/

To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com/.


The Kindness Habit

Kindness isn’t always modeled in society, yet when this dynamic sense of graciousness occurs, it’s admired, appreciated, and it can spark a chain of kindness that goes on forever. A good deed can be effortless, quick, and free, so why don’t we do them all the time? 

Join the conversation when Lori King-Taylor interviews Allison Clarke, author of The Kindness Habit, on why kindness matters in leadership. 

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com
To connect with  Allison Clarke: http://www.allisonclarkeconsulting.com

 The Kindness Habit book: http://www.allisonclarkeconsulting.com/events-merchandise/kindness-habit-maximize-happiness-impact/


Think Before You Write

Writing in the workplace can be frustrating for all parties involved. Elizabeth Danziger tells us how to get great results when we turn over a writing project. She shares the 3 P’s that will make all the difference in the effectiveness of the writing that you and your team produce.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com
To connect with Elizabeth Danziger visit:

Writamins signup with Free Bonus E-book: https://worktalk.com/10-communication-tips
Worktalk website: https://www.worktalk.com
Liz’s email: [email protected]
Book on business writing: Get to the Point! 2nd edition


Coaching for Extraordinary Leadership

Being a coach means you are a leader investing in your people.  Coaches give encouragement, see the big picture and never pass judgment. 

Join Lori and Lori as they discuss what Leader as Coach really means, why it is so essential to the development of your team, and the skills you need to develop to function well in this role.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Why Bullies Aren’t Fired

Is behavior or performance more important? Listen in to learn more about why workplace bullies behave the way they do and why they don’t get fired as often as you think they should.  The answers may surprise you! 

Join Lori Gorrell as she has a candid conversation with the bully coach, Catherine Mattice of Civility Partners on how workplace bullying is linked to the Great Resignation.

To connect with Catherine Mattice visit https://civilitypartners.com/
To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


How to Leave Your Job Respectfully

You’ve been hearing about the Great Resignation, the Great Reshuffling, etc. Be the person who goes out on top, not the one who burned every bridge on their way out the door.

Join Lori and Lori as they discuss the three key aspects of leaving your job gracefully: Planning, setting the team up for success and maintaining relationships. 

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com


Emotional Intelligence Through a Home Remodel

Join Lori and Lori as they draw the parallels between a home remodeling and being a great leader. Learn why fine-tuning your emotional intelligence matters at every step, whether renovating a house or re-engaging your team.

To connect with Lori King-Taylor visit https://trinityperformancesolutions.com
To connect with Lori Gorrell visit http://www.upwardsolutionscc.com