Personal Development
The Brain Game: Arrest & Redirect
Do you encounter those times when you know you should do something, but something inside keeps you from moving forward? Do we make excuses on why we can’t act upon the desire? The reason is, we think too much! When a thought enters our brain, we either think about it, or we act upon it. Contrary to public…
Read MoreMaking Resolutions Stick
Every January most of us set a New Year’s Resolution or goals for the upcoming year. Unfortunately, according to studies, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail and only 8% of people actually achieve their goals. So, what can we actually do to reach our goals? First off, achieving a goal requires us to change our…
Read MoreCan Negativity Rewire Your Brain?
Ever get stuck in that mode where a bad day seems to repeat itself everyday and you feel like you’re staring in the movie Groundhog Day? Well, believe it or not, that “bad day” is often controlled by how you perceive things and your self-talk. We all have bad days. Days where from the very…
Read MoreLimitations to the Rational Model Approach
In our previous discussion of mental models we talked about two types. In this post I want to digress and discuss some problems and limitations that come from applying the Rational Model approach. Many people, especially those with technical backgrounds, will equate systems thinking with a rational approach. In their seminal management book, In Search…
Read MorePower in One – 3rd in series
Mental models are the way we see the world. Our brains develop models to make sense of the environment. Our mental models are a compilation of assumptions, our understanding of data and information and a way for us to take action. Mental models literally become neural pathways in our brain that shape how we naturally…
Read MoreSystems Thinking and The Power in One
Today we are going to embark on a new series called “The Power in One,” in which we will discuss the ways we can use Systems Thinking to make sense and order of our complex world of work and life. The Power in One is about simplification, balance and flow. It is about taking a…
Read MoreDon’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle
Tis the season to be …..stressed? We are entering that time of year where schedules are busier, expectations are higher and deadlines are looming. Suddenly, we notice that our patience is running thin, energy is low, our digestive system is off and sleep has become that long lost friend. Our stress is at an all…
Read MoreA Time to Be Thankful
As Thanksgiving comes to a close, many of us in the United States stop to think about the many things we are thankful for: family, health, life, friends. It’s this time when we slow down, just slightly, to enjoy and reflect. But why only this week? Why not everyday? Recently scientists have begun to chart…
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